
Septic And Sewer Care

How to Care for your Septic System and Sewer Lines

The proper septic and sewer care can save you a lot of money in the future. New tanks and leach fields can be expensive projects but with a little maintenance you can increase the life of your tank and leach field. Clogged sewer lines can also be prevented with a little maintenance as well. Below are some septic and sewer care tips on maintaining your septic system or sewer lines.

Use Water Efficiently:

Using less water means less stress on the septic system, helping it operate properly.

Flush Only Human Waste & Toilet Paper

Things To Never Flush Or Put Down Your Drain or Toilet: Cloggers:

Septic Tank Killers

Bacteria in most cases are not good, but with septic tanks, they are needed to break down waste. Septic systems are not designed to treat hazardous chemicals, like the ones below.  These chemicals can diminish the effectiveness of your system.

The following should never be put down drains or toilets as they kill bacteria in the septic tank and in the public sewer system they pollute ground water and lakes.

Septic And Sewer Care

We service Rochester and the surrounding areas.
